NEWS: The Climbing Travel Guide – available now!

January 27, 2022 2 min read

The Climbing Travel Guide features the planet’s best off-the-beaten-track climbing destinations

We've been working on a little side project with our climbing friends Mapo Tapo – a destination guide for global climbers who care about the communities they visit. We have just fifty copies of the English language edition specially imported this week. Our main reason for getting involved was to help us think about the impact guidebook producers have in popularising climbing areas.

The Climbing Travel Guide's authors, Alessia Fontanari and Daniele Calvo Pollino, have worked with rock climbers from all over the world to carefully select the 50 best off-the-beaten-track climbing destinations and showcase over 1000 of the planet’s most beautiful crags at these locations. UK destinations include Llanberis Pass and Great Orme in North Wales, Stackpole and Lydstep in South Wales, Lower Sharpnose Point, Tintagel and Anstey’s Cove in Devon, and Bosigran and Sennen in Cornwall.


‘Rock climbing is seeing a boom in popularity', say Alessia and Daniele. 'More and more people are heading on outdoor climbing trips, and as a result, some of the famous crags are suffering from overcrowding. But there are thousands of equally beautiful climbing areas that just don’t get the same exposure. And climbing there can make a real difference to the local community.'

The Climbing Travel Guide is an illustrated guidebook featuring the 50 best off-the-beaten-track climbing destinations around the world

The Climbing Travel Guide aims to give visibility to these off-the-beaten-track climbing areas. We believe that the outdoor community wants to pioneer a new way of traveling responsibly: away from the crowds, immersed in nature, connecting with and reinvesting in the local community, making friends for life. This book is hopefully more than just a regular coffee table book, The Climbing Travel Guide is a chance to discover new climbing destinations that will inspire a lifetime of adventure.'

The Climbing Travel Guide features more than 150 stunning pictures by outdoor photographers and mentions over 1000 climbing crags

Why Alessia and Daniele made The Climbing Travel Guide:

‘We believe there is nothing more awesome than going somewhere new, getting in touch with the local climbing community, and discovering the place while participating in your favorite sport. The Climbing Travel Guide is the first book to comprehensively document the 50 best off-the-beaten-track climbing destinations in the world and their local communities. We hope to inspire climbers all over the world to discover new climbing areas, travel responsibly, and leave a positive impact on the local community.’

The Climbing Travel Guide portrays areas where the development of climbing can make a difference for the local community

About Mapo Tapo:

Mapo Tapo is an Italian startup founded in 2020. Mapo Tapo designs and organises group trips off-the-beaten-track for rock climbers. Their mission is to develop extreme sport tourism in remote locations as a way to bring economic growth in a responsible manner, respecting the environment and making local communities thrive.

Order a copy of The Climbing Travel Guide now!